@BahrainRights Bahrain Human
Bahrain Updates: 8 August: Detainees verdicts range between a year, 2 years, 6 months and acquittal.The appeal court has sentenced 16 detainees to 1 year (5 detainees), 2 years (5 detainees), 6 months (2 detainees) and discharged the rest.₁Security forces continue targeting citizens' houses in Nawaidrat and Sitra₂. In Hamad Town, the riot police have arrested 3 young men after raiding their house. Whereas, public prosecution has kept the child, Mirza A.Shaheed Mirza, 12, behind bars. Mirza and other children are kept in jail while the king, Hamad bin Issa Alkhalifa is signing the child rights agreement. ₃BCHR calls for peaceful activities on 12 August, to stop all kinds of financial transactions, release a million balloons and go out in peaceful marches putting sticky tape on the mouth in protest against prohibiting the freedom of expression and raise the campaign slogans.Picture attached.1. http://www.alwasatnews.com/3623/news/read/693253/1.html -http://www.france24.com/ar/ node/807068?ns_campaign= editorial&ns_source=FB&ns_ mchannel=reseaux_sociaux&ns_ fee=0&ns_linkname=20120808_ 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsWuHIOHlvc&feature=youtube_ gdata_player - https://twitter.com/ALWEFAQ/ status/233092658657099778/ photo/1

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