
السبت، 9 يونيو 2012

S.Yousif Almuhafda

‏ في جدحفص لتوثيق شاب تعرض للاختطاف عصر امس في جدحفص بعد ان قامت سيارة الشرطة بمحاولة دهسة فسقط على الارض و تم ضربة بالسلاح في راسة

و من ثم تم اخذة الى مركز شرطة المعارض و تعرض للتعذيب داخل مركز شرطة المعارض بالهروات و الاسلحة و تم شتمة ‎

  و قامت عصابات المرتزقة بالتنسيق مع مركز شرطة المعارض باختطافة الى بيوت الشباب و تعذيبة و ضرب راسة بالسلاح

شارك في تعذيبة ١٥ من عصابات المرتزقة في احد مراكز التعذيب السرية " بيوت الشباب" و تم شتم الطائفة الشيعية 

و قامت المرتزقة بطعنة بالسكين في رجلة و قامو بتعذيبة و اركابة سيارة الشرطة ليتم تعذيبة مجددا في السيارة ‎

‏ و ايضا قامت عصابات المرتزقة التابعة لوزارة الداخلية بسرقة هاتفة النقال وكل جريمتة انة مارس حقة في التظاهر لكنة صمود وسيتظاهر مجددا

. In Jidhafs to document the case of a youth who was kidnapped by riot police yesterday, after trying to run over him &beat him

Then he was taken to the police station where he was tortured with batons and weapons and cursed

Then gangs of mercenaries in coordination with the police station took the protester to "Youth Hostels" where he was tortured

More than 15 riot police started kicking him and beating him with their batons and cursing Shiaa
. Riot police stabbed him in the leg with a knife, then they took him to the car where he was tortured again
He was beaten in the police car and riot police threatened him not to publish his pics on

Riot police also stole the young protester's mobile phone, and the only crime he committed is peacefully protesting

: 20 year old protester was hit by riot police car, beaten, tortured and stabbed last night

First the riot police hit him with the backs of the birdshot guns on his head and face,

More than 15 riot police started kicking him and beating him with their batons

He was taken to 1 of the secret torture centers "bait elshabab" and was stabbed in his leg

Be4 throwin him out of car police said "ull c wat will happen if we see ur pics on twitter"

An old man took him into his house, gave him a glass of water, then asked him to leave, he was afriad the police might come back

All he did was go out and protest for self determination, he ended up thrown on the street barely able to walk

The 20 year old protester went back out onto the street and after taking a few steps he fell unconscious

This is how we live, with abuses like this one and worse, in a country called where its a crime to demand ur rights

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