@angryarabiya angry arabiya
Urgent: 17 yr old political prisoner Ahmed Oun has fainted in his cell after bein denied treatment for his injured eye
Ahmed Oun is only 17, he is injured, imprisoned & could loose his eye any day
Injured Ahmed was told "we will make sure ur not in a cell with ur 2 brothers"
Tho the three brothers were held in the same prison they were not allowed to see or speak to one another
Hassan saw his injured younger bro. once by coincidence, he was pulled away by prison guards be4 he cud speak to him
2day political prisoners refused their lunch & dinner, demanding Ahmed gets transferred to hospital for treatment
Ahmed, 1st on right, shud be out having fun with frnds pretending to b rappers
17 year old Ahmed Aoun shud be having a laugh and posing for funny pics
Ahmed should be winning game after game becuz hez a hell of a handball player
But when Ahmed saw wat the regime was doing to his family & to the ppl of
Ahmed joined the pro-democracy movement, by protesting and demanding rights
Ahmed was unarmed in the face of weapons, but brave, fighting for a just cause
Its not a small price one pays when they fight for democracy in a country ruled by ruthless dictators
Ahmeds body is filled with pellets, face, arms, legs and now even his eye
His nose was broken because of a direct shot with rubber bullet
Ahmed was arrested three different times, his 2 brothers were arrested a total of 8 times
Ahmed is now in prison with an injured eye, on hungerstrike demandin treatment
sign "Italy 40 yrs - 25 prime ministers.
Will ahmed be out of jail, will he have both his eyes for his next birthday?
While Ahmed is in prison with an injured eye, his family gets a new police summons!
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