
السبت، 31 مارس 2012

Maryam Alkhawaja
Maryam Alkhawaja

@DrMAlSaif : My cousin Ahmed Ismael Hasan from was killed last night after being shot in the right groin area & bled heavily while he tried...

...to walk away from the street Witnesses say people in a Cruiser w/ Laser-pointed guns shot him directly after rounds of random shooting

As for any other person in our family. Ahmed was targeted for being a witness of the crimes in . He was taking photos at the time.
Ahmed walked for around 50meters before he collapsed while bleeding profusely

He was shifted to international hospital in a very critical condition. He lost his pulse on arrival. CPR was initiated for 20 mins

& I were witnesses on the wound he had on his right groin. Being a trauma doctor too, I couldnt find another source of his...

of his collapse, regained his pulse but his BP was unrecordable.I asked doctors there 2quickly examine the whole body

While doing a (log roll), me & other 3 doctors witnessed an exit wound in his lower back also. No other injuries seen

No other sources of bleeding noticed. His Chest & Abdomen were soft & no bruises noted. Only that bleeding wound

wound in right groin area. Entry point inner thigh was around 1X1cm, sharp edges. Exit point 1X1cm outer gluteal muscle
Wound shape was circular, sharp clean skin edges. With this size, u need a high velocity to achieve this kind of injury

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