
السبت، 31 مارس 2012

angry arabiya
URGENT: Ahmed Ismael Al-Samadi, from Salmabad, shot in the stomach now in ICU, needs urgent operation -
His life is in danger, didn't have the heart to take a picture of the wound in his stomach
Hearing that 18 year old Ahmed was shot with a live bullet in the stomach, plz pray for him
At the same time another injured protester who was shot in the head with teargas today is being interrogated with now
A third protester, Hasan Abdulla Madan, 28 yrs old was run over today and lies in hospital with his bone sticking out of his leg
Ahmed Ameer, with the head injury, who is being interrogated with now is only 15 yrs old
 I see the mukhabarat now, walking around the hospital, asking if there are any other injured
Now mukhabarat asking us and family, as if we're in an interrogation "Who brought the injured"
Ahmeds sister, fearing for his life says to the mukhabarat "can the investigations wait til we know my brothers fate"
Now the hospital we're in with the injured Ahmed Ismael is surrounded by riot police
I've never seen any1 ask a grief stricken family who fear loosing their son.. "what's wrong with him" in a more intimidating way
 Ahmed after being shot, now we wait to hear from doctors who told us his life is in danger
15 yr old with fractured skull, 18 yr old with a bullet wound, 28 yr old with fractured leg only 3 of the wounded tonight in
Other injured stay in their homes, treating themselves, to avoid interrogation and arrest
Ahmeds mum "everytime his dad told him not to go protesting, Ahmed said I'm no better than other protesters sacrificing 4 freedom"
She listens as we are told the kind of cars government thugs were driving when they shot at protesters
Protesters from Salmabad know this officer well as he usually takes part in attacking protesters in the village
eyewitnesses say it was officer Ali Al-Mana'i, in civilian clothes and car, who shot Ahmed in the stomach
Ahmed being transferred now, dozens of riot police waiting outside, some with video cameras filming
Ambulance surrounded by secret police and riot police, even paramedics look nervous

When she saw the riot police, Ahmeds mother asked us "will they take my son if he gets better?"
: عاجل : مقطعين فيديو لمصاب الرصاص الحي

Urgent: Ahmeds heart has stopped, they've been trying to revive him for the past 15 minutes  -  

just a few hours ago Ahmeds family were surrounded by secret police, asking them questions

just last night, Ahmed was alive, among his frnds and family. Not knowing he'll be Al-khalifas next victim

just a few hours ago, I looked into his mothers eyes and told her "Inshalla Ahmed will be ok" and now he's dead

18 year old Martyr Ahmed Ismael, killed by the bahraini regime

Can't imagine the pain his parents feel. Have no words, just a broken heart

 Martyr Ahmed Ismael, killed last night in

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