
السبت، 25 فبراير 2012

angry arabiya 

You wanna kow how well these Cops are training the riot police in Bahrain, ask Mohammed AlJaziri
16 year old Mohd is said to be the 63rd protester to loose an eye this year  
After shooting him in the eye with tear gas, riot police hit Mohammed, and even shot stun grenades at him 

Maybe the change some speak of is not that they stopped killing & injuring us, maybe its that we're allowed treatment after

16 yr old Mohammed lost his eye, he could not be treated in a home clinic, altho that wud be his first choice

By the time Mohd reached Salmaniya hospital he was unconscious, he was surrounded by police

Instead of getting treated, police were shouting at nurses to "wake him up!" so they could interrogate him

when that did not work, police interrogated Mohammeds 2 brothers and his cuzn who were there with him  

That night, Mohammed came out of surgery at 1:40am and the interrogations started at 3am  

16 year old Mohammed was shot in the eye by the bahraini regime, for demanding freedom    

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