- @FreedomPrayers: exiled
activist S.Ahmed Alwedai was arrested after shouting @ #Bahrain king
"down w Hamad" @ Royal Windsor Horse Show http://t.co/3taDWo0MKH
@emanalyousif: S. Ahmed AlWedaei, torture survivor, embaresses Hamad bin Isa at horse race in #UK http://t.co/yrJSqgbz0w #Bahrain
@MARYAMALKHAWAJA: "Stop supporting dictator of #Bahrain" RT @SAlwadaei: My Message to her Majesty the Queen. http://t.co/HTkOUmJnSU #UK

*Protest/Attack/Collective Punishment:
- @SAIDYOUSIF: القمع في عالي قبل قليل http://t.co/6PwOYLj78fa

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