@SAIDYOUSIF S.Yousif Almuhafda
فدخلت المرتزقة عليهم المنزل و قامو بالاعتداء عليهم بالضرب بالالواح والهروات وشتمهم و شتم الطائفة الشيعية ،يتبع pic.twitter.com/hQYXeD0a
و قام احدهم باطلاق قنبلة صوتية داخل المنزل اصيبت في بطن احد المتظاهرين السلميين و استمر الضرب لمدة ١٥ دقيقة pic.twitter.com/KfxyYBDE
صورة من الضرب الذي تعرض لة اطفال شهركان مساء امس من قبل مرتزقة النظام pic.twitter.com/TrzJUmwx
صورة اخرى لاثار الضرب بالهروات الذي تعرض لة اطفال شهركان من قبل مرتزقة النظام pic.twitter.com/Np05pK5S
A peaceful march in Sharhrakan was suppressed yesterday and protesters chased, nearly 15 children under 18 hid in a house.. CONTD #Bahrain
Mercenaries stormed the house and started beating them with batons, insult them & curse Shiaa #Bahrain #ManamaDialogue pic.twitter.com/RpKMXdIp
One of riot police shot a sound grenade inside the house which hit a peaceful protester in his stomach #Bahrain pic.twitter.com/CbrSQvWp
Another mercenary sexually harassed one of the children by touching his private areas in that house#Bahrain pic.twitter.com/CjeikGcT
Another mercenary sexually harassed one of the children by touching his private areas in that house
Picture of the beating of Shahrakan children yesterday by riot police (regime mercenaries) #Bahrain #ManamaDialogue pic.twitter.com/fIs4b2rj
Image combines marks of severe beatings with batons which Shahrakan children suffered in the night of #ManamaDialogue pic.twitter.com/Y4awyuAq
Regime welcomed British &American officials 2 #ManamaDialogue yesterday but dialogue with #Shahrakan kids was different pic.twitter.com/mbt4zRFz
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