@angryarabiya angry arabiya
Al-Eker village under attack: We are at a checkpoint, not allowed to enter Al-Eker village which is now completely surrounded by riot police
Riot police tell us nobody is allowed in or out of Al-Eker village
We are being told by villagers that riot police have broken into more than 25 houses in the village
We are not sure of the number of arrests, riot police are going house to house with a list of names
some have been arrested as hostages because they are related to some1 whose name is on the list
Villagers are telling us that the gov forces attacking homes are of the special security forces accompanied by armored vehicles #bahrain
Angry protests across
We are being told riot police threw stun grenades in one house in Al-Eker, injuring a boy in his leg
We have spoken to the boy with the injured leg, he says more than 15 masked armed SSF broke into their home
Between the screaming of the women and children crying, they grabbed his brother and started asking him where their cuzn is
When he said he did not know, the masked men attacked him and started beating him severely
When the boy asked the masked men to stop beating his brother, they threw a stun grande at him, injuring his leg
The police then attacked the women, spraying their faces with chemical spray
this is wat happens to u if u ask bahraini police to stop beating up ur family members
Looking out of their windows ppl in Al-Eker say beside police they are seeing big groups of armed gov thugs in civilian clothes

صور توضح اثار اطلاق قنبلة صوتية على رجل أحد المواطنين بعد اقتحام منزله بقرية العكر قبل قليل،، #Bahrainhttp://twitpic.com/b5lrbt
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