@SAIDYOUSIF S.Yousif Almuhafda
مسيرة المنامة في جمعة الصمود وقمع المرتزقة لها Peaceful march in
و تنفذ التوصية الثانية لجنيف و تعتقل تعسفيا طفلة لا تتجاوز السادسة عشرة من عمرها لانها مارست حقها في التظاهر في العاصمة pic.twitter.com/YArE5Nmw

و تنفذ التوصية الرابعة و تعتقل تعسفيا سيدة خمسينية في العاصمة البحرينية المنامة لممارسة حقها في التظاهر pic.twitter.com/dXCP4dlq
و تنفذ التوصية الخامسة و تعتدي بالضرب على احد المتظاهرين السلميين في العاصمة المنامة امس pic.twitter.com/CPhEpDdq
و تتفذ التوصية الثامنة و تطلق رصاص الشوزن على عين احد المتظاهرين في المنامة pic.twitter.com/33slQgF6
و تنفذ التوصية التاسعة و تغرق المنامة بالغازات السامة pic.twitter.com/i7AIwkBr
و تنقذ التوصية باعتقال ٢٩ من معتقلي الراي الذين جريمتهم هي التظاهر في المنامة و وزير الخارجية يقول ما عندنا معتقلي راي pic.twitter.com/q7j4A1wG
و تتفذ التوصية الحادية عشر باغراق جسم احد المتظاهرين برصاص الشوزن يوم امس pic.twitter.com/Q6rBUXjB
بالدليل القاطع .. هذا هو الضابط المجرم الذي اعتدى على النساء واعتقلهم في العاصمة البحرينية المنامة بعد قمع تظاهرات جمعة الصمود .. بتاريخ 21/9/2012

A Bahraini Shiite protester reacts as she is detained by riot police during an anti-government demonstration in the centre of the capital Manama on September 21, 2012 (AFP Photo / Mohammed Al-Shaikh)
The skirmishes occurred as peaceful demonstrators tried to march towards the center of Manama.There were no immediate reports of casualties.
This is the second bout of clashes this month, as the Shiite majority calls for greater rights and democracy from the Sunni monarchy.
The clashes on Friday come despite Bahrain's leadership agreeing on Wednesday to accept most of the UN’s human rights recommendations, pledging to suppress ethnic violence and improve its treatment of political activists.
"Use of excessive force is still a tool for suppressing daily protests, with unprecedented use of tear gas during protests and inside residential areas," Maryam al-Khawaja, the acting president of Bahrain Center for Human Rights, said on the sidelines of a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Wednesday.
The tiny Gulf kingdom has seen massive anti-government demonstrations and violent crackdown by government forces with more than 50 people being killed since February 2011.

(AFP Photo / Mohammed Al-Shaikh)

A Bahraini Shiite protester resists arrest by riot police during an anti-government demonstration in the centre of the capital Manama on September 21, 2012(AFP Photo / Mohammed Al-Shaikh)
Riot police use teargas and sound grenades to break up an anti-government protest in Bahrain.
The confrontation came Friday in Manama, the capital of the tiny Gulf kingdom, which has been wracked by months of political turmoil.
By the time the smoke cleared, police had arrested several female activists.
The demonstration, declared illegal by Bahrain's leaders, was the latest in a string of clashes between protesters and police.
Last week, tens of thousands marched outside Manama in a protest organized by opposition groups.
Largely Shi'ite Muslim demonstrators have for months been calling for more political freedoms in kingdom, ruled by the Sunni Muslim Al Khalifa family
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