@BahrainRights Bahrain Human
Bahrain updates: 4 August: Zainab Alkhawaja will spend the next week in jail and tomorrow is Nabeel's appeal trial.
As part of their humiliation campaign, mercenaries attack and beat clerics -Shitte Shaikhs- force them to take off their turbans, curse their doctrine and call them infidels.₁
Friday dawn, Sadiq Jaffer Hussain, 15, from Sanad was sitting next to his house with his friend when he saw riot police running toward them, Sadiq got arrested and he's facing riot acts and sentenced to 15 days under investigation. ₂
Another minor, he's 17, was arrested after running over him, electrically shocked with manual machine " I won't let you go unless the charge finishes" said the officer, later he was transferred to the Youth Houses to get another intensive tutoring session before going to the Exhibition police station where security forces focused on beaten him on his wound in his hand and video recording the lesson of torture. ₃
BCHR has received news that AlDair detainees of " the right of self determination " are being beaten and torture in prison to make sure they do not change their testimony in the public prosecution.
A peaceful protest has gone out in Barbar in solidarity with the human rights activist, Mr. Nabeel Rajab, whose appeal trial is tomorrow₄, and Zainab AlKhawaja , a senior member in BCHR, is sentenced to 7 days under investigation and she stated that she was threatened to stab the needle in her neck if she refused to take it.
3. http://twitter.com/alhojairy/ status/231827259068145664/ photo/1 - http://twitter.com/alhojairy/ status/231825372860280834/ photo/1
4. http://twitter.com/ALWEFAQ/ status/231867422469132289/ photo/1 - http://twitter.com/SAIDYOUSIF/ status/231870493794381824/ photo/1
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