@BahrainRights Bahrain Human
Bahrain updates: 3 August : Darkness Gangs throwing tear gas canisters from the sky.BCHR has received news that all Bani Jamra detainees of yesterday's protest were taken to the hospital for having their share of torture in the Budayia stable by riot police.Pictures attached.That was not enough for Bahrain mercenaries who targeted protestes₁, applied collectivepunishment₂, tried to run over protesters₃ and thrown iron skewers ₄on the peaceful protesters.Ahlam Alkhzaie, an activist, was arrested from Bahrain airport earlier today by security forces for hours and more protesters have been arrested too. ₅Darkness Gangs campaign has shown a video of Bahrain government helicopter throwing tear gas canisters on residential areas. ₆Zainab's AlKhawaja Husband stated to BCHR that Zainab who's a senior member in the center called and she seemed tired and said that she's in pain.₇1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpYpBDtVTkA&sns=tw - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k5MJBqAOu0&feature=youtube_ gdata_player 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lH-c2d0bex4&feature=youtu.be - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ouzCIpIHv4&feature=youtube_ gdata_player 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLb-AFniJCY&feature=youtu.be - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEy0R2c5TvU 5.http://www1.almanar.com.lb/adetails.php?eid=279481&frid= - http://ara.reuters.com/21&seccatid=221&cid=21& fromval=1#.UBummCNW1bU.twitter article/topNews/ - http://www.alwasatnews.com/idARACAE87208K20120803?sp=true 3618/news/read/692243/1.html

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