
الثلاثاء، 3 يوليو 2012

Bahrain Human

Bahrain Update 3 July: mercenaries continue to apply collective punishment in residential areas.

Sayed Yousif AlMahafdah, A senior member in BCHR, has witnessed riot police tear gassing residential areas in Duraz while there was no protest nor anyone in the street₁, the center also has documented mercenaries shooting tear gas inside civilian’s houses in Shahrakan where children , women and old men were suffocating. ₂

Moreover, raiding houses in the midnights continue in many villages around Bahrain, where riot police raided citizen houses in Sitra,Bilad AlQadeem, Bani Jamra, Duraz and Shahrakan,  and arrested young men and children. Even more, they raided a swimming pool in Bani Jamra. ₃

Furthermore, riot police ran over a protester in Duraz and arrested him, another 2 women in Shahrakan were attacked, one of them was directly shot in her hand with for asking about her arrested son in the police station in Hamad town, roundabout No.17 ₄. Also, a protester was shot in several parts of his body with birds shot₅, while mercenaries put some wood on fire in Nuwaidrat to accuse protesters of doing so. ₆

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