
الأربعاء، 11 يوليو 2012

Bahrain Human

Bahrain updates:  11 July : Applying mercenaries Law in Bahrain by terrorizing citizens in their houses.

Bahrain riot police have raided a house of a 60 year old man in Abu Saiba, while he was sleeping with his wife, as BCHR has documented. Security forces escorted by a Bahraini masked officer raided the house without a warrant looking for protesters, and punched the old man in the face, after searching the place and found nothing,  they shot the wife with rubber bullets and and filled the house with toxic gasses.

Also, BCHR has documented more than 5 serious injuries caused by birdshot pellets in Ma'amer and Sitra,₂ one of them was injured by a C4, toxic gas canister, in the head which needed an urgent suturing.

Pictures attached.

While Zahra Alshaikh, the activist, was released₃, 2 young men were arrested in Jidhafs.

3. http://www.alwasatnews.com/3595/news/read/687236/1.html

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