
الثلاثاء، 10 يوليو 2012

Bahrain Human

Bahrain updates: 10 July : Bahrain compounds the injustice with protesters and leading activists 

More than 6 protesters were injured today in Sitra, AlDair, Juffair and AlAker due birdshot pellets.₁ After targeting their house in Sitra a full family suffocated due intensive use of toxic gasses₂, Mahmood AlMuaalem, from Sita also, finished his one month sentence in jail, yet the authorities did not release him.₃

The court refused Nabeel Rajab, human rights activist and the head of BCHR, appeal and his lawyer's request to replace his sentence. ₄

Moreover, 4 detainees - Ebrahim Shareef, Mohammed A.Jaleel Almuqdad- Mohammed Radhi- Mohammed Habib AlMuqdad- and their lawyers left the court today, because the last refused to listen to their defense witnesses.

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