@BahrainRights Bahrain Human
2 July : attacking peaceful demonstrations around Bahrain in solidarity with the Islamic Action Society (AMAL).
Several demonstrations had gone out today in Bahrain in solidarity with the Islamic Action Society, whereas most of these protests have been attacked, tear gassed, demonstrators were arrested and tried to run over them by riot police, in Sanabis, Aali, Qadam, Musalla, Sitra, Duraz₁. Nevertheless, BCHR has documented raiding some houses in Sitra and Duraz by the well-known torturer Turki AlMajed. ₂
On the other hand, Abdullah Zain, an activist, was kidnapped from his car by masked civilians Saturday's night from AlJanabia where he was transferred to a horse stable in Budaiaa and beaten, threaten to rape , assaulted verbally and sexually as he had testified to BCHR. On Sunday's night, he was transferred back to Aljanabia.
In addition, the Court refused to release Detainee Younis Ashoori, Muharraq Maternity Hospital Manager, Because MInistry of Interior refuses to hand over the evidence which proves his Innocence₃. Zahra AlShaikh case was postponed to 11 July to hear the police testimony who beaten and sexually harassed her.₄ Moreover,HRW urges Bahrain authorities to release the injured protesters to get medical treatment. ₅
As for Ali AlMuwali,the injured protester, it has been 11 days since his injury where he had 3 surgeries in the head so far and still he is unconscious. ₆
1. Run over protesters: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAIx1t7JKgw - arresting protesters in Sanabis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ay0xZZL1as&feature=youtu.be https://twitter.com/ALWEFAQ/status/219838283562221569/photo/1 - https://twitter.com/ALWEFAQ/status/219838718779998209/photo/1 -
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