
الجمعة، 22 يونيو 2012

Bahrain Human

June 22:  Bahrain government mercenaries attack political opposition's leaders and protesters, leaving behind a critical condition injured protest in Bilad Qadeem.  

1. Authorities have banned " Our unity will overthrow you" protest in Bilad Qadeem, which was organized by the opposition claiming that it will disturb the traffic. Today, after people and opposition's leaders determination to have the peaceful protest with flowers, mercenaries suppressed them violently sustaining lots of injuries.

Sh. Ali Salman, General Secretary of Al Wefaq, had been attacked directly with rubber bullets in his back and shoulders.₁ another Al Wefaq member, Mr. Jawad Fairooz , was beaten with batons. The most serious injury appears to have been suffered by Hassan Marzooq, the First Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Assemblage, where strange bodies were taken out of his body.₂

Ali Al Muwali, a protester, was shot directly in the head by riot police in Bilad Qadeem , keeping him in a critical condition at the hospital.₃

Another Human Right Defender was attacked, Sayed Yousif AlMahafdah," After tear gassing the village I took shelter in one of the houses, which was raided only seconds after I got in. One Pakistani officer had beaten me and wanted to steal my Iphone, but his colleague prevented him." he said.

2. Lots of arrests took place in Bahrain today, in Karanna for example, a woman was attacked for trying to free a protester. ₄

3.Violating all international convictions that guarantee the freedom of expression,Bahrain government mercenaries have attacked protests in many villages and applied collective punishment with toxic tear gas in Nuwaidrat, Sanad, Sehla, Barbar, Duraz and mostly Bilad Qadeem. ₅

Injurers were contrasted between serious and medium in Abu Saiba, Athari ,Dair, Saar, Samaheej, Abu Qwah, Bilad Qadeem and Sehla.₆

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