@BahrainRights Bahrain Human
28 June: Crackdown of numerous peaceful demonstrations took place in Bahrain
1.Dozens of peaceful protests have gone out in solidarity with victims of torture, in where riot police have besieged the villages and attacked them with different types of ammunition. Nevertheless, Bahrain mercenaries attacked women and tried to run over them in Buri,₁ and applied collective punishment in Sitra, Bani Jamra, Aali, Ma’ameer, Bilad, Karana, Abu Saibaa,Nabeeh Saleh, Jidhafs and more.₂ BCHR documented that more than 10 protesters have been arrested in No'aim, Muharraq and Abu Saibaa.₃
2.As for Zainab Alkhawaja, a senior member in BCHR, the tear gas canister injury in her thigh caused a broken bone and a torn muscle, said her Dr.₄ Another protester was shot with birdshot bullets in Kawara in his chest and shoulder.₅
3.Many trials were postponed like Zainab AlKhawaja trial₆, and many have convicted the defendant. ₇ Moreover, the court has fined Nabeel Rajab, head of BHRC, with 300BD in his defamation case on Twitter against MOI. ₈
Also, three young men from Manama have acquitted and the defendants in the case of killing martyr AbdulKareem AlFakhrawi deny torturing him to death infront the court.₉
Sayed Yousif Almahfda, a senior member in BCHR, has filed a complaint against the Ministry of the Interior for assaulting him in Bilad AlQadem and trying to steal his phone, and for trying to run over them and shooting Zainab Alkhawaja in her thigh in Buri. ₁₀
4.MOI has banned AlWefaq rally in Budaia highway, which is suppose to take place on Friday 29June.
1.Buri : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4g4YoFHpsw – Picture Attached.
2.Abu Saibaa : https://twitter.com/DurazYouth/status/218357202853961728/photo/1 - Sitra: https://twitter.com/reemashallan/status/218363307067850752/photo/1 - Bani Jamra: https://twitter.com/SAIDYOUSIF/status/218366156485042178/photo/1 - Aali: https://twitter.com/Moawen/status/218412486720897026/photo/1 - Nabeeh Saleh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kcd3ZwEnTic&feature=youtube_gdata_player
4. Zainab: https://twitter.com/SAIDYOUSIF/status/218392921110622208/photo/1 - http://www.beaumontenterprise.com/news/article/Bahrain-witnesses-Activist-hurt-by-gas-canister-3669322.php?cmpid=twitter - http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/06/28/bahrain-witnesses-activist-hurt-by-gas-canister/
6. http://www.alwasatnews.com/3582/news/read/678064/1.html - http://www.alwasatnews.com/3582/news/read/678065/1.html -
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