
الأربعاء، 27 يونيو 2012

Bahrain Human

27 June: Human Rights Activist Nabeel Rajab is freed, Zainab AlKhawaja is deeply injured.

1.      Public prosecution has sent Nabeel Rajab free without dropping his charges, which means he might get arrested at any time.

2.      Bahrain police tear gassed residential areas in Buri today afternoon amid suppressing a peaceful protests. The protest was brutally attacked less than 5 minutes after it started,Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR). Sayed Yousif Almahafda and Zainab AlKhawaja, BCHR senior members, have participated in Buri peaceful protest ,where riot police surrounded them and one officer ordered to directly shoot them. Zainab, however was injured in her right thigh with a tear gas canister after a police man fired at her.  BCHR is concerned about her as the wound is deep and needed suturing. Alkhawaja health condition is now stable.

Pictures Attached.

Moreover, more than 3 protesters have been violently shot today with birdshot bullets and tear-gas canister, one of them is only 13 years old.

3.       “Torture is a crime against humanity” was the title of AlWefaq sit in protest. The sit in was first banned as it was supposed to take place in the area of Migsha, but later it was allowed to be in Jabalat Habshi. Still, protesters in were shot with tear gass in their way to the sit in area and their kids escorting them suffocated due inhaling tear gasses.₄ As for Ali AlMuwali health condition, he had another operation according to his brother and he’s still in the ICU.

4.      In addition, 11 UOB academics were acquitted, 10 young men were acquitted also from Samaheej and Hussain Jassim Alghanmi is free.
On the other hand, Bahrain government mercenaries raided Mohammed Mirza’s house in Dair. BCHR received report that he was threatened him with rapping and killing before arresting him. Officer Yousif Mulla Bkhait and Nawaf AlJeran were the ones who arrested & threatened him. ₆

1. http://english.al-akhbar.com/content/bahrain-releases-leading-activist-jail -  http://f24.my/LBPnPH - http://www.alwasatnews.com/3581/news/read/677939/1.html
2.  http://twitter.com/alhojairy/status/218030954126647296/photo/1 -http://manamavoice.com/news-news_read-9750-0.html – video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EItFTvSbDSk&sns=tw
3. http://twitpic.com/a10jud - http://twitpic.com/a14d3w- http://twitter.com/Anonymous_vii/status/218009491793387520/photo/1
4. http://twitter.com/ALWEFAQ/status/217957884619788289/photo/1 -
5.  http://alwefaq.net/index.php?show=news&action=article&id=6616 
6. https://twitter.com/SAIDYOUSIF/status/218026383258025984/photo/1 - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1173436&l=f14fde392f&id=170666489652443

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