
الاثنين، 25 يونيو 2012

Bahrain Human

25 June: “Deliberate killing” is finally used in Bahrain courts for real murders.

1.Shaker AlMuwali, brother of Ali AlMuwali, the protester who got injured in the head in Bilad Qadeem protest last Friday, said his brother's condition has improved and he’s not clinically dead. According to Ali’s medical report the sound bomb caused him trauma and bleeding in the brain, also a double and deep fracture in his left sinus bone.₁ And without considering his health condition, the prosecution accuses Ali for participating in an illegal assembly. ₂

Another protester got injured in a protest yesterday in Dar Kulaib, where riot police used excessive force with the protesters; Abbas got injured in his hand by a tear gas canister.

2.Authorities have released Mohammed AlBuflasa, Bahraini Activist, and his daughter who raised a false statement against her father with ensuring the place of residence, according to his lawyer Sayed Mohsin Alalawi. Morover, Postponing Zainab Alkhawaja and Masooma Alsayed trial to 26 June, and postponing the officers’ trials who are accused of killing Martyr Hani AbdulAziz, Ali AlMoumen and Isa AbdulHassan. Wherein, the court has modified “deliberate killing” instead of “unintentionally killing” to the officer’s accusations.₃

3.Also, in Dar Kulaib Bahrain government mercenaries raided a house without probable cause or a search warrant  of two brothers who were hiding, one of them fell down and broke his leg. Evermore, they stole two mobile phones.

Pictures attached.

1.      http://www.alwasatnews.com/3579/news/read/677357/1.html
2.      http://www.alwasatnews.com/3579/news/read/677476/1.html
3.      http://www.alwasatnews.com/3579/news/read/677489/1.html

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