
الخميس، 14 يونيو 2012

angry arabiya

23 yr old political prisoner Ahmed Jassem Ali from Sanabis has disappeared from the prison for 2 days now

Ahmed was taken unofficially from the prison 2 days ago by officer Najeeb Mohammed and has not been seen or heard from since

Ahmeds family is especially worried becuz their son has been recieving continuous threats before his arrest

Before disappearing from prison Ahmed had been scared and told fellow detainees that he fears the police would do something to him

Ahmed said be4 his arrest officer Sultan Alghattam had gone to his home & threatened he would torture & rape him when he found him

‏ المعتقل احمد جاسم علي 23 سنة من منطقة السنابس اختفى من داخل السجن منذ يومين

‏ تم اخذ احمد منذ يومين من داخل السجن بشكل غير رسمي من قبل الضابط نجيب محمد ومنذ ذلك الحين لم يُشاهد ولم يُسمع عنه اي خبر

‏ قبل اختفاء احمد من السجن اخبر زملاؤه في الزنزانه انه يخشى من ان يلحق به اذى او مكروه من قبل الشرطة الذين يهددونه

‏ الضابط سلطان الغتم توجه لمنزل احمد قبل اعتقاله وهدده انه سقوم بتعذيبه واغتصابه اذا ما وقع بين يديه

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