
الأحد، 29 أبريل 2012

Maryam Alkhawaja Maryam Alkhawaja

Abdulhadi Alkhawaja finally had a family visit today. He had been drugged, tied to the bed, forcibly fed with a nasoenteric tube

He said that he considered the force feeding + solitary confinement as torture and will hold dr, hospital and moi responsible

Abdulhadi Alkhawaja told his family the doctors name is dr Ebrahim Zuwayed, and that he is continuing his hunger strike

@tublani2010: Bahrain As for Hadi after his last call, he was very weak and dehydrated. The nurse came in the room asking him to flush the IV cannula.

Bahrain to make sure it is not blocked by blood cus he was not
 taking iv. the minute she put the liquid in the cannula Hadi passed out.

Bahrain He woke up after more than five hours, found himself in a different room restrained, with a tube down his nose (nesoenteric).

IV on both his hands and oxygen mask on his mouth. He started shaking the bed and trying to shout until a policeman came in.

The policeman took the mask off and Hadi asked to c the Doctor. Time passed no doctor. He did the same thing until the doctor came.

Dr. Feryal came but she denied to have anything to do with force feeding him. My husband ask for the tube to be taken out.

She left but the tube and the force feeding was not stopped. Next day the doctor who operated the force feeding came.

His name is Dr. Ebrahim Zuwayed. Hadi asked him to take the tube out and stop the force feeding. Hadi told him it is against HR

Hadi told him that he will hold him, the hospital and MOI responsible for that. He asked not to be force fed if something happens.

Bahrain And they have to respect that. The Dr. told him that he did the right thing and if he didnt force feed him;

He would either be dead or brain dead. The force feeding continued. Friday night the tube got blocked and the liquid (ensure);

was all over his face and clothes. the dr. came and tried to unblock the tube by a wire but he could not.

Hadi says the whole procedure was very painful. The Dr. told him he will take it out if he takes iv and juice.

Hadi agreed to take iv and juice when necessary only and just until Monday so he took the tube out.

It was so painful. He had sever headache for hours after they took the tube out.

No one was going into the room unless to check the force feeding machine. No one spoke to him. The dr. went to c him twice only.

No phone calls, no family or lawyer visits. Hadi told the Dr. if what u did to me was right why was i kept incommunicado.

If what u did is right u should tell people about it. The dr. said that they will do it again if they have to.

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