
السبت، 14 أبريل 2012

angry arabiya

Hearing now many youth attacked and arrested in BaniJamra

After being beaten BaniJamra youth are handcuffed, blindfolded and lined up against a wall. Is this how the regime prepares for

Now the screams of Bani Jamra youth as they are being beaten fill their village

Blood on the streets in BaniJamra, after arrest of more than 20 youth

I can only imagine the horror the BaniJamra youth are experiencing now, probably been taken to secret torture center

Villagers heard officer order police to "stop beating the protesters so brutally inside the village cuz some1 might be filming"

This is the house some of the protesters were brutally arrested from in BaniJamra

Wat police found here are posters calling for democracy, & pictures of detained acitivists

Is this y protesters were beaten til they bled, cuz they have mikes, pens & posters?

glasses fell from 1 of boys who were arrested, til now we don't know all who were arrested

and we don't know whose blood this is on the rooftop of the house they were beaten in

So painful to see the blood on the streets and in the houses, I know some of these protesters, they truly are brave heroes

This is a sad night for it pains me that there is noway to protect these prodemocracy protesters, many of them very young

It pains me that they are most probably being beaten or even tortured at this moment, and nobody can save them

While tryin to get protesters out of village riot police followed in their jeeps, then took out birdshot guns to shoot at us

we turned a corner and managed to escape them

Apparently in preparation for the regime attacked one of the strongest opposition villages in last night

more than 20 youth were dragged, beaten severely then taken to an unknown location, what was left behind was their blood

This is where some of protesters were beaten, their screams echoing thru the whole village

Mothers cudnt sleep last night wondering if its their childs blood that covers the ground

I too keep wondering who of the lionhearted youth who I've come to know and respect, and even look upto has been hurt

BaniJamra has been called the heart of the revolution for good reason, they are unbreakable & they give hope to the rest of us

Today many of those youth are in prison, many hurt and injured, some going thru interrogation now

1 of the fathers of BaniJamra detainees was called and told to go sign a paper becuz his son was so badly hurt he needed surgery

When he asked where his son was hurt, what kind of injury he had, they refused to answer his questions

I cant tell you all the stories of more than 20 detainees who were brutally arrested last night by riot police & gov thugs

I don't know who these glasses belong to, and how badly their owner was hurt when arrested
But I can tell you the story of 2 of these youth, who I know very well. What ppl must realize that these young men are not a number

This is 18 yr old Sadeq Al-Ghasra, a revolutionary and a poet, and his life is in danger

Sadeq has been in danger for a long time now, gov thugs have been threatening to kill him continuously

Infact Sadeq has not been home for almost a year now, this is not the first time he has been arrested

While the BICI was in Sadeq with a group of children were arrested and tortured during Ramadan

The BICI found them in the prison hospital after they had been beaten, with cigarette burns on their bodies

Because there were some as young as 14 & their case became well known the gov finally released them

Bu Sadeq learnt a lesson, that if caught they wud have no mercy on him

Sadeqs whole family has been targeted and his brothers, even those younger than him have been in and out of jail

Sadeq wrote "I slept in the pearl like I had in my mothers womb, but suddenly everything disappeared & I found myself among wolves"

and yesterday Sadeq really was among those wolves, some witnesses say Sadeq was pushed from on top of the house he was in

Others say to avoid arrest he jumped. We dont know if it is Sadeqs blood on the doorstep of the house

While all other Banijamra detainees have called their families today, to tell them they finished from interrogations...

Sadeq & his brother Yasser, both arrested last night, have not called. There is no news of where they might be or in what condition

As Sadeq was being arrested, one of the gov thugs who were with the riot police wrote, "we have finally caught Sadeq"

Sadeqs family, his frnds, the whole village and everybody who knows him, is really afraid that he is in danger

Sadeq is one of the brightest candles shining in the prodemocracy movement in despite his suffering, he's always optimistic

His optimism and faith in this revolution is contagious, he is a person who gives all those around him.. hope

Activist has been working side by wide with us for months to document abuses

Altho a high school student, is very passionate about becoming a human rights activist

I pray that activist & poet/revolutionary Sadeq Al-Ghasra and the rest of the detainees are ok

but knowing what I know, seeing all the blood, and having gone thru many cases, its hard to imagine that they are

Father of 16yr old activist Mansoor AlJamri has been told his son is now hospitalized after being subjected to severe torture

Mansoor, tho only 16 was dedicated to reporting human rights abuses, and is now in danger

لا يمكنني نقل قصص ال٢٠ شخص من المتظاهرين الذين اعتقلوا من بني جمرة ليلة البارحة بعد اعتداء المرتزقه والبلطجية عليهم بوحشيه‎

سأنقل لكم قصة ٢ من هؤلاء المتظاهرين من بني جمرة أعرفهم جيداً ولتعلموا بانهم ليسوا مجرد رقم ‎

نقلت لكم في اكثر من مناسبه قصائد لاحد اشجع المتظاهرين اعرفه جيدا والعديد طلب مني ان أغرز اكثر من شعره‎

صادق الغسرة (١٨ سنه) شاب ثوري وشاعر وحياته في خطر ‎‏ ‎

حياة صادق الغسرة في خطر الان ف بلطجية النظام لم تكف عن تهديده بالقتل ‎

لم يتواجد صادق في منزله ما يقارب السنه وهذه ليست بالمرة الاولى التي يتم اعتقاله فيها‎

في فترة تواجد لجنه تقصي الحقائق في البحرين تم اعتقال صادق مع مجموعه من الاطفال وتعذيبهم في شهر رمضان‎

التقت لجنة بسيوني ب صادق ومن تم اعتقاله معه في السجن وكانت علامات التعذيب واضحة وحروق السجائر على أجسامهم أوضح‎

ولان من ضمن المجموعه التي اعتقلت مع صادق شباب في عمر ال١٤ سنة اصبحت قضيتهم مشهورة فأفرجوا عنهم‎

تعلم صادق درسا بانه لو اعتقل مره اخرى فلن يرحموه ومنذ ذلك الوقت وعائلته مستهدفه وإخوانه الأصغر سناً بين فترة والأخرى في مراكز الشرطة‎

كتب صادق: "نمت في دوار اللؤلؤة كـ نومي في رحم أمي ولكني فجأة وجدت نفسي محاطا بالذئاب"‎

وأمس بالفعل كان صادق محاطا بالذئاب واحد الشهود يقول بانه تم دفعه من سطح احد المنازل‎

يقول شهود آخرين بان صادق قفز من سطح المنزل ليتجنب الاعتقال .. ولا نعلم ما اذا كان الدم على درج المنزله دمه ام لا‎

اتصل اليوم جميع معتقلي بني جمرة لاعبيها بعد اعتقالهم ليلة البارحة ليخبروهم بانهم انتهوا من التحقيق معهم الا صادق واخوه ياسر لم يتصلوا ‎

لاتوجد اخبار عن مكان او حالة صادق واخوه ياسر وليلة البارحة اثناء اعتقال صادق كتب احد البلطجية المتواجدين مع الشغب: "أخيرا اعتقلتا صادق"‎

عائلة صادق وأصدقائه وكل من يعرفه خائفين عليه فقد يكون في خطر ‎

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