
الأربعاء، 18 يناير 2012

S.Yousif Almuhafda 
RT : Story about one of Int. Circuit staff which dismissed and arrested Unfairly
Bahrain international circuit said in the media that dismissed will returned to their jobs, but we did not see the act of this talk. One of the employees signed a permanent contract after the trail period he had worked, During the events in Bahrain, the police arrested the employees of BIC on 7th April 2011.

After Four Month of suffering in prison were released,So The BIC published a statement which they will returned their staff to work. this Employee went to the Administration in order to inquire about back to work, they refusing to return him and rammed-sufficiency by saying that you was in a trail period !
and now we don't want you to work for us anymore..

For information that the employee was not lost a single day from work and he was sincere in his job and he was participated everyday at work in the midst of the chaos in the country that passed us.

Now, The Question is: Bahrain International Circuit post a statement on the media and the newspapers, but did they do something to their unfair dismissed staff ?

The Answer is NO, and this story a prove of their Lies


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