
الجمعة، 20 يناير 2012

Maryam Alkhawaja 


My story began in 1996 in an incident called "burn Alzaiton restaurant" in Sitra. I lost my father because of it
BTV said: In the morning of Thu dozens of terrorists burned a restaurant in Sitra. which led to deaths of 7 Asians.
Attended Sitra in the same morning the current PM Khalifa and issued his orders to arrest thousands. ‏‏
During this week: My father had an operation in his eyes. so fortunately he wasn't at home when they stormed it.
next day they went to my grandfa's house. broke doors and beat my grandfa. My 15 y/o uncle were arrested as a hostage.
Then they threatened to rape his mother/sisters/daughter(me) and his wife. so my father went to prison to stop them.
My father stayed with the thousands detained in the same case. They did so just to be able to arrest people.
they didnt care about the fact that my father had just returned from treatment. tortured him until his eyes deteriorated.


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