
الخميس، 19 يناير 2012

angry arabiya 
It feels like we're living in the calm be4 the storm, and many things foreshadow bloodshed in
When Richard Sollom from Physicians for Human Rights came to he was stopped at the airport
It didn't matter that he had a visa, and a promise from the foreign minister that he wud be allowed in
He was stopped for many hours then told to come to after february
Brian Dooley from Human Rights First was also supposed to be in now. But the ministry contacted him and said he wud be denied entry
Dooley writes that they told him to postpone his trip until march. Read his article here
And now there's the case of French film maker, Stephanie. Whose in the country to prepare for a documentary abt the arab spring
Stephanie was stopped at the airport for 10 hours, her personal camera confiscated and she was interrogated with
She explained she was not a journalist but a film maker, who was here as a tourist to see if she wants to cover in her documentary
She was given a 3 day visa, but for those three days stephanie realized that there was a car following her everywhere
She applied for an extension on her visa and got a month extension, but a day later got a call from the ministry of info
"We need to meet you, bring your passport with you" when stephnie said she cud not make it she was told "ur visa has expired"
Stephanie was threatened, that if she did not leave the country she will face many problems, wat kind? she might find out soon
Stephanie says "now I understand why its called "bahrain: shouting in the dark"
These actions by the bahraini regime are a clear sign, that feb will not witness reforms, but more bloodshed
And as they kill us, they want to make sure the world doesn't hear us shout.
We await an upcoming attack and crackdown maybe as bad as the first. Everyone seems certain more ppl will be killed
I hope the more our regime tries to kill us in the dark, the more ppl arnd the world shed the light on the bahraini cause
The world must keep their eyes on this february. Your attention could save lives

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