@angryarabiya angry arabiya
اقتحمت قوات المرتزقة احد المنازل في المالچيه الذي كانت بداخله فتاة لوحدها #bahrain
وفي غضون ثواني اكثر من ١٢ مرتزقة دخلوا المنزل واحاطوا بالفتاة و قاموا بتفتيش المنزل #bahrain
وأمرها المرتزقة الثاني بتقبيله بعد ان رفع سلاحه في وجهها لكنها رفضت ولم تجد مكان لتختبأ فيه إلا زاوية حشرت نفسها فيها فهجم عليها الاثنين #BH
بدأ صوت الفتاة يرتجف واخفضت راسها حياءا وهي تخبرني كيف بدؤوا يتحرشون بها جنسيا وبينما حاول احدهم تجريدها من ملابسها نزل البقية من السطح #BH
A girl from Malchiya was home alone a few days ago when riot police broke the door to her home #bahrain
Within seconds more than 12 riot police were inside her house, surrounding her. They searched the place #bahrain
Then all except two of the riot police went up on the roof. The two riot police that remained stood with the young girl #bahrain
One of them asked the girl to go to the kitchen with him. She saw how he looked at her, got very scared and refused #bahrain
That's when the second riot police raised his gun, pointed it at the girl and ordered her "kiss him" #bahrain
The girl was in shock, she said no, but had nowhere to run. She ran into a corner, where the 2 police attacked her #bahrain
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