@angryarabiya angry arabiya
Fadel is from Duraz, I remember participating in some protests there, they are known to be one of the most peaceful villages #Bahrain
I remember as protesters were being shot at, the boys shouted to one another, peaceful peaceful, not even a stone #Bahrain
I remember a younger protester did carry a stone, in seconds an older one ran to him, held his hand & the stone fell to the ground #Bahrain
Theres only 1 thing that moved Duraz protesters to run towards riot police and fight them with their hands on the 3rd of this month #Bahrain
21 yr old Fadel was shot in the head with tear gas infront of their eyes, riot police then dragged Fadel & started beating him #Bahrain
While Fadel was injured severely, and unconscious the riot police were punching and kicking him, even on his head #Bahrain
protesters, many of them frnds of Fadel, ran to save him. But by the time they got to him, they knew somethin was horribly wrong #Bahrain
Fadel was bleeding from more then one place in his head, there was the injury from the shot, but also wounds from the beating #Bahrain
This is a picture Fadels frnds took after carrying him into a home #Bahrain
No matter how badly hurt an injured protester is, riot police in #Bahrain enjoy beating them. Even if they're children
When 15 yr old Ali from Daih was shot a few months back in the head, he was also beaten severely after being injured #Bahrain
I will never be able to understand such human beings, they see a child who is hurt, bleeding and unconscious... #Bahrain
they see his head bleeding as he lies on the ground, his eyes closed, then they start kicking him on his injury #Bahrain
Do these riot police go home to their children, to laugh and play with them, after injuring & beating our children #Bahrain
Doctors and nurses were surprised when they saw the bruises that Fadel had all over his head #Bahrain
Fadels family have been told their son is brain dead, that he has low chance of survival. He is living with the support of machines #Bahrain
As Fadel lies in hospital in a coma, ppl arnd #Bahrain pray, hopin thru some miracle we get him back
The bahraini regime ofcourse does not care about getting the criminals, instead they went to hospital & interrogated Fadels family #Bahrain
They sent a doctor from the ministry of interior, who took one look at Fadel and said "This patient fell" and left #Bahrain
I went to see Fadel, his sister hugged me and wept, she said "I pray to God our bird and yours find their way out of the cage" #Bahrain
She had read my fathers story about the birds, her brother, like my father cud not live silently under oppression #Bahrain
We both prayed that our loved ones wud find a way out of that cage alive, for in the story the bird is found dead #Bahrain
Fadel, for ur family & frnds, for all of us, for
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