
الثلاثاء، 21 فبراير 2012

Maryam Alkhawaja 

contained , a highly toxic solvent a substance which can cause the following cont.

1-mental confusion 2- headache 3- tingling of the limbs 3-rapid heartbeat 4-visual and auditory hallucinations cont.  

the most dangerous are 5- menstruation cycle disruption 6-spontaneous 7- ..  

is fatal and can anyone who suffered from diseases like and heart diseases.

Like cigarette smoke, many ppe become somewhat tolerant of and inhale more of the properties without protection  

cont... and falsely believing if they are not coughing, they are not getting harmed

 When exposed to ,nursing mothers risk passing toxins on to their infant

effect which is used in could cause many dangerous disease and problems cont..

An Aberdeen Proving Ground study demonstrated that pepper spray could cause mutagenic (cont)

These sprays should be regarded as poisons or weapons"  

.. positional - almost all related deaths occur when the victim has been hogtied and placed face-down.


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