
الجمعة، 17 فبراير 2012

Maryam Alkhawaja 
 Situation in very tense, arrests and excessive use of force against people marching to pearl square
area in a war zone .. mercenaries shooting huge amount og gases, rubber pullets and stun grenades

 : vast police push w water cannon, thick tear gas disperses 100s protesters marching on after jidhafs funeral.

: Eyewitness: Bird shot guns being used in an absolutely unbelievable manner.

: The hot water car didn't work with the protesters so they just fire gases all around the place
: 4 girls arrested while heading the pearl square
 : Urgent [vid] of the 4 female protesters "ZAIANBS" walking to lulu square  
: Attack in Jedhufs: Police used water pump, armored cars, & tear gas vs protestors marching to Pearl Square via

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